Minute to Win It Wiki

Minute to Win It - Games - Office Tennis

Blueprint Description[]

In this challenge, the contestants will be doubles partners in the exciting coffee-break sport of Office Tennis. Using clipboards as rackets, the couple must rally a crumpled paper ball back and forth, before landing it into a wastepaper basket on the opposite side of the stage. If either player double-hits or carries the ball, the line judge will nullify the point.

Game Description[]

Volley a crumpled paper ball back and forth into a waste basket.


This is a level 5 challenge.

Household Items:[]

  • Balled up pieces of paper
  • Waste Paper Basket
  • 2 standard clipboards

Set Up:[]

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This game was first seen in the Office special.

Prior to game start, place the waste paper basket 15 feet away from a designated foul line. Place a second foul line from the basket perpendicular to the other line. When the clock starts, using the clipboards as paddles, the players must volley the paper ball back and forth and land it in the basket.


1. The players may not cross the foul line before the paper ball is hit at least once.

2. The players may not cross the second foul line at any time.

3. The players may not double hit or carry the paper ball at any time.

4. To complete the game, 1 paper ball must remain in the basket within the 60-second time limit after all other rules have been followed exactly.

Tips & Tricks[]

  • Communicate: Good communication is key to success in this game. Talk to your partner about where you want them to hit the ball, and listen to their suggestions as well.
  • Use a consistent grip: Holding the clipboard consistently will help you maintain control and hit the ball accurately. Experiment with different grips until you find one that works well for you.
  • Pay attention to the ball: Keep an eye on the ball at all times, and be ready to react to it as needed. This will help you anticipate where the ball is going and position yourself accordingly.