Minute to Win It Wiki

Minute to Win It - Games - Octopus

Blueprint Description[]

The cunning octopus uses its many long arms to pull in its prey. In this challenge, the contestant must pull multi-colored twelve-foot-long ribbons out from under inverted water bottles. If the bottles topple, victory may slip from their grasp. This must be repeated three out of twelve times.

Game Description:[]

Ribbon is placed under one-liter square water bottle placed upside down on a table. Ribbon must be pulled out, leaving the bottle standing.


Octopus Perfect

Michael goes 12 out of 12 for, even though he only needed 6 to win 5K.

This is a level 1 challenge, along with being a multi-level challenge, with level 3 requiring the contestant to pull out six out of twelve ribbons.

Household Items:[]

  • One-liter Fiji water bottles
  • Table(s)
  • Ribbon(2-inch wide, 12 ft length)

Set Up:[]

Cut 1 ribbon (12 feet long) from roll. Smooth down nub on the water bottle cap. Place end of ribbon near edge of table so it's held down by overturned water bottle. When the clock starts, player may pick up ribbon and pull.


1. Contestant must remain in the designated area when pulling ribbons.

2. Contestant may only pull ribbons with one hand.

3. To complete the game, player must remove ribbon from under water bottle by pulling with one hand, leaving the bottle standing.

Screenshot 2020-04-20 at 6.39

Kyle becomes the Octopus for $1,000.

Tips & Tricks[]

  • Use a steady hand: To prevent the bottles from toppling, it's important to use a steady hand when pulling the ribbon. Avoid making sudden or jerky movements, as these can cause the bottles to become unstable.
    • To do this, you may want to take a few deep breaths and focus on maintaining a steady and controlled grip on the ribbon as you pull it out.
  • Use your body to help balance the bottles: As you pull the ribbon out, try to use your body to help balance the bottles. This may involve leaning slightly to one side or the other, or shifting your weight to help keep the bottles upright.
    • If the water bottles are positioned on podiums, it may be more effective to lean down rather than standing up straight.
    • To do this, you may want to bend at the waist and bring your head and upper body closer to the bottle. This will allow you to get a better grip on the ribbon and help you maintain good balance as you pull it out.
  • Practice good posture: Good posture can help you maintain good balance and control while pulling the ribbons. Make sure to stand up straight and keep your feet shoulder-width apart to give yourself a strong and stable base.
  • If you make the ribbon tighter, it will be harder to pull out from under the water bottle because it won't move as easily.