Minute to Win It Wiki
Bridge The Gap Blueprint

Blueprint Description[]

The Brooklyn Bridge, the Golden Gate, and now the fifty-two-card suspension bridge: they are all marvels of engineering, yet only one can be built in sixty seconds. In this challenge, the contestant must build a continuous span of playing cards across the divide between two books, placing the empty box on top to complete the project.

Game Description[]

Using only one deck of cards, build a bridge over an open gap created by two big books and place the empty card box on top of the bridge.


This is a level 6 challenge.

Household Items:[]

  • One deck of cards(with box)
  • Two Big Books(Oxford Dictionaries)
  • Table

Set Up:[]

Margie Bridge the gap

Margie bridges the gap.

Two books should be placed 11 inches apart. Any non-playing cards should be removed from the deck, and the cards should be shuffled. When the clock starts, player can begin building bridge with cards.

Tips & Tricks[]

  • As you build the bridge, pay attention to the distribution of weight across the span. Try to evenly distribute the cards so that they are balanced and not concentrated on one side of the bridge.
  • If you notice that the bridge is starting to lean or become unstable, try adjusting the position of the cards to redistribute the weight and create a more balanced structure.
  • When adding new cards to the bridge, try to place them in a way that helps balance the weight and maintain stability.
  • Remember to work quickly, but also take the time to carefully plan and execute your moves. This will help you build a stable and continuous span of cards and increase your chances of success.
  • If you notice that the bridge is starting to lean, try shifting the position of the cards on one side of the span to balance the weight and create a more stable structure.
  • If the bridge becomes unstable, try adding additional cards to the base of the bridge to create a more solid foundation.
  • As you adjust the position of the cards, pay attention to the distribution of weight and try to create a balanced and stable structure.
  • Make sure that the box is positioned as close to the center of the bridge as possible. This will help balance the weight and prevent the bridge from collapsing.
    • As you position the box on top of the bridge, be sure to gently lower it into place and avoid placing too much pressure on the bridge. This will help prevent the bridge from collapsing and allow you to complete the game successfully.
Bridge The Gap CJ

CJ bridges the gap.
